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Structural Quality Gate für KI-generierte Software
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Erzielen Sie optimale Ergebnisse mit der CAST Software-Intelligence
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VMWare Exit : identifiez automatiquement les scénarios de sortie avec CAST...
Améliorez la résilience et la sécurité de vos applications : Témoignages de...
Highlight Summer Release : SBOM, intégration CI GitLab, et Cobol pour le Green
Keep control with cloud deployments: Faster and safer cloud migration
Les nouveautés Spring Release de CAST Highlight : AI Advisor beta
La modernisation mainframe : du diagnostic de faisabilité avec CAST à la...
Les nouveautés Winter Release de CAST Highlight : usabilité globale et Green...
Green IT - Treiber für Zukunftsfähigkeit
Moving beyond lift & shift to modernize critical applications
Insights-based Legacy Modernization Strategy
Les nouveautés (Fall Release) de CAST Highlight : Cloud Maturity et Maîtrise de...
Managing software complexity in digital transformation
Beyond legacy: the road to mainframe modernization
The custom software control tower: How to de-risk custom business applications
When greater visibility drives better data security
Leonardo e CAST: una collaborazione lunga 8 anni
Four tough questions about your software you are afraid to ask
Software Intelligence : La Due Diligence Technologique pour le Private Equity...
Highlight Summer Release : Open Source et Conteneurs
Software composition analysis demystified: uncovering and managing open source...
Uncovering Risks of Open Source in M&A Transactions
Il Software Sostenibile nei programmi ESG
CAST Imaging per il governo e la modernizzazione delle applicazioni in INAIL
Take control of the chaos with an open source software Control Tower
Four Tough Questions About Your Software You are Afraid to Ask
FinOps e oltre: strategia cloud e sostenibilità del software
Highlight Spring Release : Renforcer votre capacité à disposer d'une "Tour de...
Mainframe Transformation: un gioco di squadra
Modernización de aplicaciones para la nube y en la nube, más rápida y segura
Mainframe Modernization (for Cloud) Best Practices
Les nouveautés de CAST Highlight: Green Software Insights, CloudReady...
Modernization for Cloud Best Practices
Modernisation des applications : pourquoi et comment ?
Software Factories : quels sont les nouveaux enjeux, comment les adresser ?
Debito tecnico nel contesto Agile: come orientare le attività di refactoring
Modernizzazione applicativa - Il caso di Successo di HSPI
Fincantieri e Gruppo Hera: come usare la Software Intelligence per ottimizzare...
Achieving Faster Cloud Modernization
Assessing Your Agency’s Portfolio for the Journey to Native Public Cloud
Transforming Cloud Application Modernization Outcomes
Top 3 Tips to Accelerate Your Application Modernization Process
Top 3 Mistakes Organizations Make When Implementing Software Composition...
Driving Software Innovation at Speed and Scale
Stratégies de migration vers le cloud : comment limiter les risques ?
Portuguese | O papel da TI frente aos desafíos da transformação dos negócios
Green IT et écoconception logicielle : comment réduire l’empreinte écologique...
Accelerating developer onboarding with CAST Imaging
Portuguese | Análise do Cenário Político Econômico do Brasil e a Gestão da...
Faster and safer migration to AWS
Sostenibilità del Software: conversazione a tre
Take control of legacy systems modernization and migration
Valorisation et enjeux techniques et juridiques de l’Open Source
Cómo mitigar los riesgos legales y cibernéticos del uso de software Open-Source
Moving beyond lift & shift to modernize business critical applications cloud...
CAST pour le Move to Cloud : une nouvelle approche pour mesurer le coût de la...
Come mitigare i rischi legali e cyber dall’uso di Open Source
Accelerating Software Engineering with CAST Imaging
La Software Intelligence per le attività di M&A
TI sostenible con Software Intelligence
Taming Software Complexity
Modernizar y Migrar aplicaciones al Cloud. ¿Por dónde empezar?
Cómo Acelerar la Modernización de Aplicaciones
How to Start Thinking About Modernization With AWS
New, simpler approach for Open-Source risk management
Reduciendo los riesgos de procesos M&A y Aceleración de la Creación de Valor
Garder la maîtrise de ses applications et objectiver le pilotage des...
Les solutions de Software Intelligence : quel usage pour un DSI ?
Cloud Smart: How to Ensure an Efficient and Secure Journey
A safer approach to application modernization and re-factoring for cloud
Il nuovo standard ISO 5055 sulla Qualità strutturale del Software: quali le...
ISO 5055 explained. Is your software rock solid, efficient, and safe?
Nueva norma ISO 5055 ¿Su software es robusto, eficiente y seguro?
Software Intelligence e Pubblica Amministrazione: l’esperienza di Milano e Roma
Microsoft & CAST Present: Accelerate Native PaaS migration with Software...
Accelerating software development & Boosting ADM productivity with CAST Imaging
Live Talk - Vendor Governance e Rischi Software: strategie vincenti dal mondo...
Live Talk - Software Intelligence per MS Azure: a safe journey to Cloud
Migrate .NET Apps Faster Using CAST Software Intelligence
Maîtrisez la qualité et améliorez les performances de vos applications...
Live talk -Sicurezza del software: governance e gioco di squadra
How to Overcome the Top 3 Obstacles when Migrating State/Local Workloads to...
Mise sous contrôle d'une architecture logicielle : du développement au...
Live talk - Cybersecurity for Connected Medical Devices: how to guarantee it
Accelerating Digital Transformation
The secret to faster modernization for Cloud
Les risques techniques et juridiques liés à l’utilisation d’APIs tierces
ISO 19515 – adozione integrata dei Punti Funzione Automatici: un caso di...
OWASP Benchmark 100% Live
IBM-CAST partnership for App Modernization
Evaluer son patrimoine applicatif pour optimiser les budgets de maintien en...
Control de los riesgos relativos al uso de software Open Source
Booster de 20% la productivité des développeurs avec la nouvelle plateforme...
Migration vers le Cloud et modernisation de vos applications : les bonnes...
Accelerating Cloud Migration Projects with Txture & CAST Highlight
A Software Intelligence Board Room : Keeping Digital Transformation Momentum...
Live talk - Sicurezza dei Dispositivi Medici Connessi: come garantirla
Quand les développements agiles imposent aussi des budgets agiles !
Acelera la modernización de tus aplicaciones
Low-Code Quality Governance: Speed Vs Quality
Overcoming Roadblocks to Faster Modernization with Cloud
Green IT et Software Intelligence : allier réduction des coûts IT,...
Agile Development - measuring team performance
Le contrôle de l’architecture : un élément clé du ‘’Security by Design’’ !
Covid-19: come una crisi crea opportunità digitali e le opportunità possono...
Le contrôle de la sécurité logicielle face à la multiplication des normes !
Generating business value by accelerating the modernization journey
Claves para una racionalización del porfolio de aplicaciones exitosa
Winning in the Marketplace with Software Intelligence
Accelerating IT Transformation with Software Intelligence
Software Intelligence for Critical M&A Decisions
La maîtrise des risques techniques et juridiques liés à l'Open Source
Faster Modernization and Cloud Migration with Software Intelligence
Optimieren von SAP-Systemen mit CAST
CIO POV: Making critical decisions based on facts about your software
Greater Objectivity in Government IT through Software Intelligence
¿Todo listo para la nube?
Resilienz & Cloud-Readiness von Software-Applikationen
Legacy-Modernisierung mit CAST
Profiter de la virtualisation en accélérant la modernisation de ses applications
¿Necesitas información más objetiva acerca de tu porfolio de aplicaciones para...
Les faux positifs : un risque dans la sécurité logicielle
CAST Imaging : Explorez et transformez l’architecture de vos applications !
Cloud-basiertes Application Portfolio-Management
Smarter and Faster Application Modernization
Don’t Lift & Shift: The Benefits of a Cloud Native Strategy
How to Plan Modernization while Mitigating Risk
How to budget for IT Modernization
Prevención de vulnerabilidades con Software Intelligence
I Punti Funzione Automatici/AFP sono Standard ISO 19515:2019. Che significa e...
Optimisez le ROI de votre SI grâce à la Software Intelligence
How to overcome the top 3 hurdles in migrating apps to the cloud
Budget IT : bien maîtriser la valeur et le poids des applications pour être le...
Take the first step towards transforming your Apps into Cloud Natives
What's the right path to accelerate your Application Modernization journey?
The Rise of Open Source – How to Efficiently Manage Security and License Risks
Software Intelligence in DevOps - with Speed & at Scale
IT Modernization & Legacy Systems CAN live together
Monoliths, Microservices & Modernization – Practical Strategies & Guidance
Visibilité et navigation dans les systèmes logiciels les plus complexes : CAST...
Accelerate your Pivotal Cloud Migration Strategy
RAPID – Application Modernization
Is Cloud Migration Really a Silver Bullet?
Mitigating Business Risk By Building Secure Software
RAPID – Agile Transformation and DevOps
Garantir La Pérennité Technique Des Applications Grâce À La Software...
RAPID (Rapid Application Intelligence for Digital Transformation) Application...
Optimisation des budgets MCO : la Software Intelligence au service du DSI
Improve Business Outcomes with Software Intelligence
How to regain management control over Agile development
GDPR | How Software Intelligence Accelerates Compliance Audits
RGPD : Gagnez en visibilité et remédiez en amont grâce à l’Intelligence...
Sécurité logicielle : attaquer le mal à la racine
Mainframe and Legacy System Discovery & Intelligence
GDPR - Comment l'analyse logicielle accélère la conformité à la réglementation...
Outsourcing Agile Software Development
GDPR - Come la Software Intelligence accelera la compliance
GDPR|How Software Intelligence accelerates compliance audit
Benchmarking to Success with CAST Analytics
The Cloud is Ready But Are Your Apps?